Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 3

Breakfast: Fasted. Not really intentionally though, I was waiting to get my blood sugar tested so I didn't want to eat anything until afterwards. My levels are normal, it came in as 91.
Lunch: Fruit Smoothie. Strawberries, blackberries, banana, orange, ice, and spinach.
Snack: Whole tomato sliced up. Tasted so fresh! Also a handful of dates.
Dinner: Salad. I'm disappointed to admit that I cheated on this meal. I went out to dinner with T.J. and Dad at Wingers and got a salad that had pork in it. Then Dad bought the Asphalt Pie for dessert and I had a sample of it. Pas bien!
Tomorrow I will be back on track with no cheating!!!

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