Friday, June 13, 2008

The Climb to Healy

The fact that it's always light here is something that takes getting used to. When I first got here I couldn't believe it would be midnight and still light out, I thought I was going to have a hard time sleeping, and I did for a little bit. But then you reach this point where it seems wrong to not take advantage of all this daylight! It feels like you're wasting your day if you're not out doing something, even if it is 11:00 at night. So the other night I got off work and decided that I wasn't ready to go to bed, but I wanted to go for a hike. So I got ahold of my friend Pat to see if he was interested in going with me. Soon we were off to do the Mt Healy trail - which is one of the more strenuous trails near-by. I was so excited to get out and finally do a real hike! But within the first thirty minutes my excitement had died down. I was completely out of breath and kept feeling like my ears needed to pop. I finally had to take off both my jackets, leaving me in just a t-shirt because I was getting too hot. But by the miracle of Pat, we made it to the top by 10:30 and sat and enjoyed the view for a bit then headed back down. And just so you can understand that it really is ALWAYS light out, keep in mind that the pictures I took on this hike range from 10:00 - midnight. It really is something else to experience.
It was also something else when I woke up the following morning with a sore throat and realized that I was coming down with the Denali cold.

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