No, I'm not crying... at least not intentionally.
My eyes are watering, I can't breathe, and am constantly sneezing!
I am one of the millions of innocent people who fall victim to allergies.
What did I do to deserve this? I mean, I don't litter. I enjoy the outdoors and all it has to offer. I support going Green! Yet it seems that nature is seeking some sort of revenge on me. Why else would it put me through such torment?
Truthfully, I shouldn't be complaining. This is the first time I've had such bad allergies. But I'm afraid that it's a sign of years to come. Which means that Claritin D and I will become good friends, possibly friends for life. But it's always good to have those kind of friends, right? Friends for life. Although, I would prefer friends that don't come with a monthly fee.