Everyone has dreams, that is one thing we have in common.
Now, the context of our dreams is where we are different. For instance, I doubt you have ever dreamt about going back to the past with your best friend and ending up in the ocean while looking a hammerhead shark right in the eyes. That's right, because that was MY dream. In fact, I would dare say that I have some of the strangest dreams of anyone I know. And I'll have you know that they are 100% natural. No drug influence, just pure Bree. So while on the subject of dreams, I'm about to mention something that will boggle your mind. Yes, BOGGLE.
Have you ever thought about the people in your dreams? The people that are so randomly placed in your subconscious world, and you have no idea who they are.. Well think about this, are these people real? Are you dreaming about someone whom you've never met and may perhaps live in another country. Maybe it's even a future person yet to be born. Crazy right?
Now I'll let you ponder about all those strangers in your dreams that you might secretly know. Maybe they're dreaming about you too.